Type II Diabetes

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I celebrated my 55th birthday yesterday.  Two days earlier I received an early present from my doctor, a Type II Diabetes diagnosis.  Over the years, as my weight crept up, so had my blood pressure, triglycerides and cholesterol, but I had managed to keep my hemoglobin a1c under 6.5.  On Monday, my doctor told me that I was now at 6.7 and officially a Type II Diabetic.  Happy Birthday to me!

So Why Share This With You

I have been debating for the past four days as to whether or not I should mention this to my readers, much less write an entire blog post about it.  I was concerned that this would be too much information, that folks really don’t want to hear about these things or that people might think I’m looking for sympathy.  After going over the pros and cons of writing this article, I came up with three reasons to go ahead and write it.

There Are Other People Who Are Dealing With This Disease

There are a lot of people my age or even younger who are now or soon will be dealing with Type II Diabetes.  The good news is most of us ate (and couch potatoed) our way into this disease, and we can eat and exercise our way out.  Because I write a blog, I have a way to document my journey back to health. That’s what I intend to do. If I’m successful (and I plan to be), documenting my journey will be helpful to others. At least that is my hope.

Public Accountability

Clearly, I must change my lifestyle.  No more ice cream, chips, craft beer, bacon, (I better stop, I’m beginning to tear up). Few things are more motivating than public pressure and nothing would be more humiliating than saying I’m going to do something and then running into a reader with a donut in my hand. Knowing that there are lots of people keeping their eyes on me is a great motivator. So if you do run into me, feel free to ask me how I’m doing on my new lifestyle.

Changes To My Blog

The purpose of my blog has always been and will always about sharing information with large families, parenting tips for large and adopted families, big family budgeting, and homeschooling. That won’t change.  As part of my blog I have been providing recipes that are easy to prepare, inexpensive, and kid friendly. Sadly, they have not all been particularly healthy. That is where my blog will change.  Every recipe that I have posted is either an original recipe or one that has been adapted. Because I always cook these meals and have enjoyed them myself, I am proud to offer them to you.  From here on forward, my recipes will continue to be yummy, kid friendly and inexpensive.  And now they will also be be healthy recipes aimed at reversing Type II Diabetes.  Other than the types of recipes that I will offer up, nothing else about my blog will change other than the occasional update on my progress towards restoring my health.

I hope this is not to much information.  My aim with this blog is to be real.  I’m not a parenting or homeschooling expert and I’m certainly not a health expert, but my life path has provided me with experiences.  They have taught me much and have provided me shareable lessons and so I will continue to share them with you.

Any of my readers in this same health boat?  I’d love to hear your tips and diet ideas.  Thanks for all your support. I’m off to cook a nice healthy meal!

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5 years ago

My a1c has gone back down to pre-do Eric range. You can do it! I walk and try to avoid sugar. My doctors recommended a low -carb diet. But I truly believe it’s the walking that has really turned things around for me.

Julia Johnson
Julia Johnson
5 years ago

I have to agree, I’ve been exercising and I’ve only seen increased healing in both small (when I bite the inside of my mouth it doesn’t take two weeks to heal) and big (my horrible poison ivy allergy that healed without steroid shots!!) ways! Let me know when you’re ready to get the kids to the park and I’ll harass you until you take someone on a hike 😉

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