Five Things We Love About Worry Free Homeschooling

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Given enough time, I think I could write an article listing 100 things I love about homeschooling.  I have already written an article entitled Twenty Fringe Benefits of Homeschooling, but like the title suggests, it’s more about the benefits.  This article is meant to reveal those things that I think are terrific about our homeschooling experience.  This one is about five things we love about homeschooling

I am continually finding new things that I love about homeschooling. From time to time I will write an article like this, because I keep running into more reasons why I think this is the best choice for our family, and maybe yours as well. I am so sold on the idea of homeschooling that I want to encourage you to try it yourself.

I particularly want to sell you on the idea of our brand, the Wood brand, of Worry Free Homeschooling.  It has worked out so well for us that I feel a need to share it with you. I think our attitude and methods take the pressure off of trying to “keep up with the Joneses” when it comes to homeschooling.  Worry Free Homeschooling our children has allowed for me and Carrie to teach our kids what we want them to know while keeping out most of the unintended negativity that kids sometimes pick up in public school.  It has allowed us to bond with our kids and maintain our goal of being the chief source of influence over our children.  Here are five things we love about homeschooling:

It’s Portable

One of the things I love about Worry Free Homeschooling is that it doesn’t always have to take place at the kitchen table.  In fact, I like to spread my kids out around the house to do their schoolwork. I usually pair them up so they can help each other.  My two neediest students usually stay in the kitchen while I cook and clean. But, what I really like about homeschooling is that it doesn’t have to take place in the home at all.

Worry Free Homeschooling allows me to use almost any situation or location as an opportunity to teach something of value to my kids.  Grocery stores and camping trips are my favorite two places to do school outside of the home. There are so many things that can be taught to kids when they are shopping or camping that I could write an entire curriculum around these them.   Events like Minefaire and trips to the museum also provide outstanding opportunities for my kids to learn outside of the home.

Homeschooling Allows Our Children To Concentrate On Their Interests

All children need to learn the three basics, reading, writing and math.  Not all children need to learn Calculus, English Literature or how to write an APA formatted paper.  I have a couple of children who might need to know these things, and a couple who might not.  For now, we make sure that our kids are learning the big three at grade level (or as close as possible). After that, we let the kids lead.

Since my children are all in primary school, the big three subjects take up perhaps two hours at most.  I let them spend the rest of their school day pursuing their interests.  My six year old super reader has been carrying around a children’s version of Aesop’s fables the past couple of days. Her seven year old sister spends much of her day singing and learning song lyrics.  My eight year old son can be spotted hammering on his fort out back while his partner is dismantling and re-purposing my telescopic sprinkler.  The eleven year old might be watching a nature program on PBS. while her seven year old brother builds a train track.  Later, they might be using the microscope to look  at water samples from the bayou behind our house .  I love watching them do what they love and learn as they do it.

We Can Tailor Curriculum To Suit Their Individual Needs

Students learn subject matter at different paces.  Some kids figure out decimals the first time, others might take weeks to figure it out.  Public school teachers don’t have the luxury of spending extra time on a particular task or skill for those students who need it, but I do. As a Worry Free Homeschooling teacher, I can slow down and spend extra time with one of my kids, until he or she understands the material or concept. I have one kid who needs six different activities to help improve his reading.  One of my daughters, on the other hand, is a very good reader, so I mostly let her read when and what she wants and I follow up by checking her comprehension.


Our typical homeschool hours are from 8:00-11:00 in the morning.  Sometimes we start later and might work past lunch.  Our school hours are determined in part by our schedule. If I want to go shopping in the morning, we can stop and take a break. If friends want to meet at the park for a play date, count us in.  We can always pick back up when we get home.  Because we homeschool, scheduling dentist and doctors appointments are never a problem. If grandma and grandpa are coming for a visit, that’s OK.  We can take an entire day off to spend time with them.  If I have a deadline on my blog I can always move school to the afternoon.  If the kids need a break from their normal curriculum, we can do a geography puzzle instead.  Perhaps we can play a game of Monopoly, Risk or Payday or even watch a nature video.  Yep, homeschooling allows you to be flexible with both your time and your curriculum, and I love it!

Teacher To Student Ratio

Here where I live, the average elementary school classroom has more than 20 students.  If a student is falling behind or needs a little more one-on-one instruction, that’s a problem.  Teachers simply don’t have the time to help them.  With two of my kids, this would almost certainly be the case.  That’s one of the biggest reasons I decided to teach them myself.  I have a lot more time to dedicate to my kids than a teacher with 19 other students could.



If homeschooling is an option for you, I hope these five reasons we love to homeschool will convince you to try it.  The potential rewards far outnumber the risks you might encounter. You always have the option of  returning your kids to school if you feel the need.  We we started homeschooling we only knew a few other families who were doing it, so it felt like a dive into the great unknown.  But I’m so glad we took that dive and I hope you find this article informative and encouraging.  Please feel free to ask me questions about Worry Free Homeschooling.  I look forward to hearing about your thoughts and experiences.



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