Two Reasons You Should Set Personal Goals

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What do you think about setting goals? Is that something you do? I have to admit, so far this year I have gotten really big into goal setting. I suppose I am coming to the realization that setting goals is helping me to get where I want to go when it comes to my parenting, relationships, health, and even growing this blog.

Most of you made New Year’s resolutions this year because you wanted to make a change. Maybe, you have already begun to give up on them because you slipped up, or weren’t specific about your goals or you are failing for one reason or another. Either way, you haven’t kept up your New Year’s resolutions and now you feel like a failure. I don’t want you to be discouraged. It’s not too late. Just change those resolutions into goals.

The cool thing about goals is that you can make them anytime, not just the beginning of the year. Your goals can be daily, weekly, monthly, or even lifelong. Anyway, here are two reasons you should set personal goals:

Setting Goals Help You Clarify and Refine Your Purpose

We all have this need for purpose in life. Without purpose we would fall into dispair. Maybe your purpose in life is protecting animals or the environment. Perhaps you get your purpose from your faith or your family. No matter what it is, purpose is the motor that propels you out of bed each morning. The problem is we might not recognize our purpose without first spenting some time in introspection. When we do this, we end up asking ourselves questions like:

  • What is important to me?
  • How can I get the most out of life?
  • What makes me happy?
  • What do I want to do with my life?

I’m pretty sure that you are the type of person who has already asked yourself these questions. After all, you are reading this article. By default, you are probably also the type of person who would benefit from setting goals.

Properly Formulated Goals Make it Possible for You To Take Action

Think about either this year’s New Year’s Resolutions or some resolutions that you have made in the past. Did you successfully make the lasting changes that you were hoping to make? If you have, great! Unfortunately, many resolutions end in failure. Why? Because often resolutions don’t contain a specific call to action, no plan, no finish line. You get the picture? Resolutions are too vague. Without goals, your desires to make positive changes in your life are nothing more than wishful thinking. For example, how long have you wanted to lose weight, or how long have you been promising yourself that this is the year that you would learn Spanish? You might have set a target, but did you have a rock solid plan? Did you have specific steps that would successfully take you from point A to point B? Did you have a backup plan, or provide some adjustments for when you hit a rough patch?

When you set goals for yourself you tend to be much more specific in what you hope to accomplish. You have a plan. You have a starting point, and a finish line to strive for. In short, goals increase your likelyhood to succeed because they are action based.

It’s Up To You

I spent the entire day working on this article. I wrote and erased thousands of words trying to perfectly package this message. In the end though, I finally realized that it’s not my words that will convince you whether or not goal setting is right for you. It’s what’s in your heart.. If you want to be a better spouse or parent, if you want to get your house or budget in order, if you want to make real and lasting self improvements, you will learn how to set goals and you will work hard towards achieving them. I suppose that could be a third reason that you should consider setting goals.

Next Time

Recently, I bumped into a pretty cool formula for setting goals. It’s called the S.M.A.R.T method. Maybe you have heard of it. My next article will be about implementing it. Until then, I want you to think about 3 goals that you have for yourself: one that is family related, one that is health related, and one that is for your household or professional life. I’ll be back in a few days to help you break down those goals and turn them into ACTION!

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