Which Tribe Are You?

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nDefinition of tribe1a: a social group comprising numerous families, clans, or generations together with, dependents, or adopted strangers. (Merriam Webster)

When I was adopted at the age of six weeks, my parents were informed that I was 1/4 Mescalaro Apache Indian. It was pretty much the only thing that we knew about my back ground. We all thought it was pretty cool.
 Around the time I graduated from high school in 1981, special loans were being made available to students who were at least 1/4 Native American. My mom never applied for that loan. There was really no way to prove one way or the other just how much Apache blood was flowing through my veins. It’s not like we could research my genealogy, and DNA tests weren’t available yet.


Last month my mom bought everyone in my family a DNA kit. We all got our results a couple of weeks ago. Turns out that I have exactly 0% Native American DNA. I’m not part of the Mescalaro Apache tribe or any other tribe for that matter. Nope, I’m pretty much 100% Northwest Europe. I’m a Brit!

I’m not gonna lie, I was disappointed to learn that I’m not part of the Mescalaro Apache Nation (tribe). It’s kind of a shock when you think your part of one group when you are actually part of another, but hey, we don’t get to choose our history.

After stewing about this for a couple of weeks, a new idea of what a tribe means to me, began to emerge.

Of course, the traditional meaning of tribe refers to your extended family group. The Tribes of Israel are the first to come to mind. Those tribes consisted of the descendants of each of the twelve brothers who were the sons of Jacob. 

But weren’t there people who converted to Judiasm who weren’t descendants of those twelve brothers? They were still Jews weren’t they? 

That’s how I came to the realization that who you are, is as just important as what you are, especially when it comes to your social group (tribe).  When we use this definition of Tribe, it means we get to choose what tribe or tribes we will become part of.

Definition of tribe 2. a group of persons having a common character, occupation, or interest . (Merriam Webster)

OK, so, I’m not Mescalaro Apache, but I am part of a few other tribes. Tribes that I chose to join. First and foremost, I’m part of that tribe the world refers to as Christians. We are bound together by our trust in Christ Jesus. As a tribe, we may have a wide variety of characteristics and traditions, but when it comes to our identity, we all agree that Jesus is our Lord.

 Another tribe that I joined a couple of years ago, was a wacky group of people who are obsessed with throwing plastic discs into those funny looking baskets that you might have seen in the woods or in a park.

I’m also part of several other tribes:

  1. People who adopted their children from China and from the Democratic Republic of Congo. 
  2. Parents of large families.
  3. Single income families who live on a tight budget.
  4. Homeschoolers.
  5. Unfortunately, I’m also part of that huge tribe of people who are Type II Diabetic.

These are the people who I identify with. They are the folks who I am loyal to. My heart is with them, and that’s why I started this blog, to share useful knowledge that will enhance the lives of others who’s life paths might intersect with my own. Yep, these are my people and this is my tribe. The cool thing about our tribe is anyone who identifies with one or more of our concerns is automatically approved membership.

So, if you want to communicate better with your spouse or children, become more responsible with your limited resources or take control of your health so that you can be there for your family, then this tribe may be right for you. If you decide that you want join our tribe, here is what can you expect from me.

Every Tuesday

I will post an article (blog post) that will provide useful information or inspiration in one of the following topics.

  • Budgeting
  • marriage and family (especially big families)
  • maintaining and improving your health
  • homeschooling
  • family recreation

On Fridays

I will send you a copy of “Timeout” (my newsletter) via email.  You will find things like:

  • links to previous blog entries.
  • special resources: like lists, templates, or worksheets for helping with parenting, budgeting, exercise, or goal setting, etc.
  • recipes that are quick, easy, inexpensive and most important of all, healthy.
  • product reviews.
  • and more.

From time to time

I will send you an email containing an opportunity to purchase a product that you can’t live without. This might include books or in depth courses that focus on:

  • budgeting
  • parenting hacks
  • Type II Diabetes management
  • Spousal relations
  • Raising large families
  • Recreation, especially camping
  • Cookbooks
  • Children’s books
  • and more

Do you think we have enough in common that we might be friends? Would you like to be part of this tribe of people who have one, two or three or more of these things in common? If so, I would encourage you to join us? Just scroll to the bottom of the page and subscribe to my newsletter “Timeout.” I hope you enjoy “Timeout” and I encourage you to also see Daddy Go To Timeout on Facebook.



If you are already receiving “Timeout” via email every Friday, please be sure to open it. There is so much more available to you than one article every week. Also, if you like the articles that I post, please share them with someone you think might like to read them. Right now I have a very limited reach. On average Facebook will only allow 100-200 people to see my posts. You can help me greatly by liking, commenting, sharing, and reposting with comments. When you do this it increases my exposure. I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

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